List of European Cancer Centres

List of European Cancer Centres

The certified Cancer Centres and their interdisciplinary networks, which include inpatient and outpatient cooperation partners, are listed on the website OncoMap.

Below you find some frequently asked questions about OncoMap and the certified Cancer Centre search:

What is OncoMap?
OncoMap is a website where you can search for medical institutions specialized in certain types of cancer and which are certified. You can filter by country / state / postal code / type of cancer / type of certificate, etc. OncoMap is a public database with search feature.

Are all Oncology Clinics and Practices listed?
No, only institutions that are certified are listed. These are always treated as “Centres”.

What is a Centre?
A Centre is not just a clinic or a hospital. It is a network of inpatient and outpatient facilities, working together in all specialties and are involved in the treatment of cancer patients. A Centre, therefore includes clinics and practices that are specialized and work together. The certification system always includes all the parties involved in a Centre.

What is an Organ Cancer Centre?
This is a Centre that is specialized in an organ, for example the breast or the prostate.

What is an Oncology Centre?
This is a Centre that is specialized in several organs. Basically, there are several organ cancer Centres joined in one location.

What is a Urooncology Centre?
This is a Centre that is specialized in cancer of urinary organs. A Urooncology Centre is always specialized in prostate cancer and additionally specializes in kidney cancer or bladder cancer or all three cancers.

What is a Visceral Oncology Centre?
This is a Centre that is specialized in cancers in the abdomen. A Visceral Oncology Centre is specialized in either colorectal cancer and cancers of at least one other organ in the abdomen (abdominal gland, liver, stomach or esophagus) or cancers of at least three of the organs pancreas, liver, stomach or esophagus.

How up to date is OncoMap?
It updates weekly.

Why are not all types of cancer found on OncoMap?
Because the Certification Programme is still working to expand the Certification System. In 2003, the auditing and certification process began initially for breast cancer. Other types cancers followed and still follows step by step. What you will find on OncoMap is the current state.

What is the recommended radius for a postal code search?
We recommend setting the radius of 100 km.

Can I find self-help groups on OncoMap?
Yes. Please select the term „self-help“ in the field „field of study“.

Can I find information about the number of operations performed per hospital on OncoMap?
No, you can research on OncoMap which Centres are in your area. So, it’s exclusively related to the addresses. OncoMap makes no statements about the quality or the number of treatments.

Who operates OncoMap?
OnkoZert GmbH operates this site on behalf of the German Cancer Society e. V. OnkoZert is the independent institute that performs the auditing and certification process for Centres.

Can I generate and download a list of cancer Centres?
No, this is not possible due to privacy reasons.

Can I use the data of OncoMap for scientifically purposes?
Yes, please address your request to Andrea Vogt of the German Cancer Society,

Will I receive further recommendations as to which of the centers I should be treated in?
All reported Centers are certified and have to meet a comprehensive Catalog of Requirements (e.g. minimum number of cases, experience of the surgeons) every year. You can therefore expect this high level of quality for all the Centers shown. We cannot and must not make assessments of individual disease progressions and recommendations for individual Centers.